Thursday, November 13, 2008

Single Family Homes In Urban Communities

Growing up in the Bronx, NY I always noticed that most of my friends only had one parent at home. A little confused growing up because I knew it took a male and female to create a child. Single parent homes are so common in my community it seems like it's normal. Most single parent households are missing the father.

  • In the graph notice how from 1970 to 2000 the number of Married couple families have decreased drastically and the number of single parent home have increased.

Why do some men abandon their children?

From what I notice and witness many of these single parents with children gave birth at a young age, maybe in their teenage years. Teenagers are not ready nor mature enough to take on the responsibility of raising a child. But, things happen and people are forced to face the reality of having a child at a young age. If this does happen both parents have to come to the plate care and provide for their child. FATHERS NEED TO STOP ABANDONING THEIR CHILDREN. Having a child is something that happens but, it is also something that takes planning.

How does growing up in a single parent household affect a child?

I wouldn't know from personal experience but, I don't think it has a positive effect on the child. I can say that it affects different children in different ways. The single parent is always working to get by on one persons income. Some children don't get the guidance or attention needed and they start to make the wrong decisions. Other children can see how their parent is struggling and want to better themselves and not go through the same struggles their parent has gone through. Many children with single parents do go on to acquire higher education and earn careers for themselves. They're other cases where another family member plays a role model to the child and kind of replaces the missing parent. I commend people who take care of children that are not theirs and care for them as if they were.

How can we fix the problem?

Sometimes I ask myself can this problem be fixed because it seems like a never ending cycle. But, to every problem there is a solution. My solution is education. If we educate our youth, teach them good morals and give them more opportunities to go to college then I believe that the number of teenagers having children will decrease and the number of single parent homes will decrease also. People who are educated are more focused on their career and have children when they're ready.

Song For This Entry - MEET THE PARENTS - JAY-Z

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Barack Obama has been elected to be the next president of the United States of America. I am extremely happy to have witnessed this. I was a part of history the first time I was eligible to vote. I can say that I was apart of history.

I was watching CNN news when the electoral votes were coming in and when Barack won Ohio I knew it was over. The announcement that Barack Obama was predicted to win came in at around 11 O’clock and everyone went crazy. There were tears of excitement and surprise. The whole student body at my school were so excited we poured into the street and had a peaceful rally. Before Barack Obama I would never think that I would see an African-American president.

This is what happens when we work together to achieve the common goal. Barack being the first president of color shows that this nation has taken a huge step forward. It brings hope to young African Americans and will unite the African American community. But, the struggles aren’t over so we have to continue to work together to get what we need. Barack is an inspiration to many people including me, he has been through all the struggles and came out on top.

Now, we are ready for change. I have faith that Barack will steer our country in right direction. But, we have to remember that he is getting the country in the worst condition it has been in since the great depression. This country faces great challenges but, together we can bring change for better.