Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bill O'Riley commenting on Jay - Z and Jeezy

This is why I cannot stand Fox News..

What do you think?

Friday, January 16, 2009

My President is Black!!

Just in time. Young Jeezy has released the video to "My President is Black". I love this song and the video. The video shows all kind of people (young, old, black, white) come together for a common goal.

Wheres Jay's video to "History?"

Police Shooting in Oakland

I know this blog is long overdue, I have just been too lazy to write (I'm still on vacation). On New Year's Eve Oakland transit police were responding to groups of men fighting on the train. The men were taken of the train and handcuffed on the platform, Oscar Grant III was one of those men. After the officer cuffed Oscar Grant he felt it was necessary to pull out his firearm. He shot his firearm toward Oscar Grant and the bullet ricocheted off the ground and into Oscar Grants back. As soon as I heard about this story I was reminded of Sean Bell who was murdered by New York City Police the day before his wedding two years ago. When will these senseless killings stop? A week later (January 7th) a peaceful protest for justice through the streets of Oakland for Oscar Grant turned violent, protesters started fires and vandalized cars. Finally, today the police officer who killed Oscar Grant on New Year's Eve has been arrested and charged with murder. The District Attorney admitted it was because of massive public pressure.

So the protest and the pressure from the Oakland community has worked. This is only the first step, the conviction is the last. There are videos that show the officer wrongfully used his gun.

R.I.P Oscar Grant

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Blog of 2009!

So it's a new year!
Brought my new year in at church, there's no better way to do it. Anyway, what's good for '09? I don't believe in resolutions, why should a new year come for a person to change. I do believe in creating goals for myself, which I do on a daily basis. There are a number of things that I'm looking forward to and expect in '09. Some of these things include The Blue Print 3 being released (I'm like a fiend who needs a album from Jay every year), Obama beginning (or trying) to make things right with the current economy, a stimulus check (hey, it wouldn't hurt), Kanye's next album, and me traveling outside of the country.

I'll try to post new entries more often.

Check out my play list (to the right genius), it has songs that have meaning and that I listen to on the daily.